We’ve heard a lot of discussion from the Labour party about the necessity for trying to save the NHS and ...
Celebrating Diversity in ReadingCelebrating Diversity in Reading
As a member of Reading Lib Dems, I was proud to join them on the Reading Pride parade this saturday ...
Holiday HighlightsHoliday Highlights
Well, who would have thought that so much could happen in two weeks. Having had to plan a holiday that ...
A Day of PrideA Day of Pride
I had the pleasure and privilege of marching with my Lib Dem colleagues in yesterday’s London Pride Parade and while ...
It gets Better – in ReadingIt gets Better – in Reading
Well visitors to my blog will know that I have been involved in fighting discrimination against LGBT people in Reading ...
Who Cares? We do.Who Cares? We do.
As someone who works as a manager in the Care Industry and registered as a manager with the Care Quality ...
Whistle while you workWhistle while you work
Well I haven’t managed to put a blog entry together since the local election. Not, as some have suggested, because ...
Reading Elections 2011Reading Elections 2011
Well, bloggers all over Reading have given their opinions and analysis of the Reading Elections and put forward theories as to ...
Kennet Island Fun DayKennet Island Fun Day
I have just got home from the Annual Kennet Island Fun Day and I can honestly say that the day ...
Delivering a DifferenceDelivering a Difference
Having just been out delivering leaflets about my standing in the election in my ward (Whitley), I’m continually amazed by ...